This is the user configuration page for %%created_by_linked%%.
If you are %%created_by%%, you may edit your configuration by editing this page.
Notification frequency: %%form_data{frequency}%%
Language: %%form_data{language}%%
Receive notifications via: %%form_data{method}%%
Manual subscriptions:
Manual unsubscriptions:
label: Frequency
type: static
value: |
How often would you like to receive notifications?
If you would receive multiple notifications during this period, they will be combined into one digest.
To receive no notifcations / unsubscribe, choose 'Never'.
type: select
never: Never
hourly: Hourly
8hourly: Every 8 hours
daily: Daily
weekly: Weekly
monthly: Monthly
test: Test
default: never
label: Language
type: static
value: |
Which language would you like to receive notifications in?
If your language is not supported, you may consider [[[faq#languages | contributing]]] it.
type: select
zh: 中文 (简体) (Chinese Simplified)
tr: 中文 (繁體) (Chinese Traditional)
en: English
eo: Esperanto
fr: Français (French)
it: Italiano (Italian)
ja: 日本語 (Japanese)
no: Norsk (Norwegian)
es: Español (Spanish)
vi: Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
default: en
label: Delivery method
type: static
value: |
How would you like to receive notifications -- by Wikidot message, or by email?
Note that if you choose to receive notifications by email, **there are extra steps you must take**, and caveats to be aware of. See the [[[faq#via-email | FAQ entry]]] for more details.
type: select
pm: Wikidot message
email: email
default: pm
label: Subscriptions
type: static
value: |
Which threads and posts, if any, would you like to manually subscribe to? (Remember that these are //in addition to// your [[[faq#auto | automatic subscriptions]]]!)
Put the URL for each thread/post on a new line.
You may subscribe to any thread/post from any of the [[[wikis|]]].
type: text
height: 20
match: /^(?:https?:\/\/[a-z0-9:\-.]*?\/forum\/t-[0-9]{3,15}[a-z0-9:\/\-.#]*?(?:\n+|$))*$/
match-error: There was a problem parsing your subscriptions. Please put just one URL on each line.
label: Unsubscriptions
type: static
value: |
Which threads and posts, if any, would you like to manually unsubscribe from?
Put the URL for each thread/post on a new line.
type: text
height: 20
match: /^(?:https?:\/\/[a-z0-9:\-.]*?\/forum\/t-[0-9]{3,15}[a-z0-9:\/\-.#]*?(?:\n+|$))*$/
match-error: There was a problem parsing your unsubscriptions. Please put just one URL on each line.
label: Save
type: static
value: |
Save your changes to this page to save your notification settings.
ℹ️ **Please note:** If there is an issue that prevents the notifications service from sending you a notification, a message will be added to your config page explaining what the issue is and how to fix it. It's a good idea to check back periodically just in case.