User Configs

There are 952 users subscribed to forum notifications.

Users with config errors

The following is a list of user configs that have some error meaning NotifierNotifier cannot contact them to notify them of new posts — nor can it contact them to let them know about the error.

If you are on this list, see your config page for details about the error and instructions on how to fix it.

If you are not on this list, but a friend is, consider letting them know.

Link User Error Missed
AlykaTR (9451051) AlykaTRAlykaTR not-a-back-contact 11
Ama Strovik Ama StrovikAma Strovik not-a-back-contact 44
The Apostle of Dark GodsApostle of Dark Gods not-a-back-contact 55
CombustibleDuck (9403966) CombustibleDuckCombustibleDuck not-a-back-contact 33
CosSin (9293196) CosSinCosSin not-a-back-contact 22
daveminus (3085960) daveminusdaveminus not-a-back-contact 22
DifferentHarp24 (7785805) DifferentHarp24DifferentHarp24 not-a-back-contact 44
Doctor Vivian Elmore Doctor Vivian ElmoreDoctor Vivian Elmore not-a-back-contact 11
DodoDevil (1854139) DodoDevilDodoDevil restricted-inbox 5959
Dr Vulpes Dr VulpesDr Vulpes not-a-back-contact 11
Felixou (7118294) FelixouFelixou restricted-inbox 2525
GoldLemur GoldLemurGoldLemur not-a-back-contact 33
Heroxiss (6154395) HeroxissHeroxiss not-a-back-contact 11
Jack Jack LupinJack Lupin not-a-back-contact 22
Kayama_Nacho (6623681) Kayama_NachoKayama_Nacho not-a-back-contact 11
KJMCD (7813834) KJMCDKJMCD not-a-back-contact 22
leaves_yulin (8710853) leaves_yulinleaves_yulin not-a-back-contact 44
luukrative (9463147) luukrativeluukrative not-a-back-contact 11
Mohamed7mmm (8642905) Mohamed7mmmMohamed7mmm restricted-inbox 55
NNWHEN (7004754) NNWHENNNWHEN not-a-back-contact 11
BlueGralloy (7869175) NUKENAI SEIKEN CHANNUKENAI SEIKEN CHAN restricted-inbox 3333
Otex_x (8207019) Otex_xOtex_x not-a-back-contact 11
PeanutTheComrade (5327786) PeanutTheComradePeanutTheComrade not-a-back-contact 77
Poppy Poppy WondersPoppy Wonders not-a-back-contact 11
pr0m37h3um (3628082) pr0m37h3umpr0m37h3um restricted-inbox 9090
Qand (9057882) QandQand not-a-back-contact 11
2533761 RationalGazeRationalGaze not-a-back-contact 99
SeraphAlpha (7666338) SeraphAlphaSeraphAlpha not-a-back-contact 33
AHFANOF (8652844) sonorussonorus not-a-back-contact 22
teddiii_ (9104360) teddiii_teddiii_ not-a-back-contact 11
TimelessDevil TimelessDevil TimelessDevil not-a-back-contact 11
vallerback (7878890) vallerbackvallerback restricted-inbox 5959
WhiteBlade WhiteBlade VIKCWhiteBlade VIKC blocked-inbox 6666
wikiwob (7313482) wikiwobwikiwob blocked-inbox 141141
WingedAsarath (7605010) WingedAsarathWingedAsarath not-a-back-contact 22
x1193 (8051787) x1193x1193 not-a-back-contact 99
ZComiX (5657010) ZComiXZComiX not-a-back-contact 33

All subscribed users

The following is a list of all user configs on this wiki, ordered by most recently updated, for administrative purposes.

Meaning of symbols in the 'Status' column:

  • ✔️: The user config looks good, and this user can receive notifications.
  • ❌: The user config URL does not match the user ID, and will be removed during the next cleanup.
  • ⚠️: There are issues with this user config that prevent the user from receiving any notifications, which need addressing. The user config page will have more information about the specific issue and how to fix it
Link User Frequency Language Delivery Status Updated by
Maganball (9501939) userkarma.php?u=9501939Maganball (9501939) monthly en pm ⚠️✔️ Maganball
Fungal_Leech (9566179) userkarma.php?u=9566179Fungal_Leech (9566179) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Fungal_Leech
José's Notifications! userkarma.php?u=7363959Dr Boxter (7363959) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Dr Boxter
Cranes-writer (9177549) userkarma.php?u=9177549Cranes-writer (9177549) weekly en email ⚠️✔️ Cranes-writer
DrBleep (2887044) userkarma.php?u=2887044DrBleep (2887044) weekly en email ⚠️✔️ DrBleep
OriTiefling (7454631) userkarma.php?u=7454631OriTiefling (7454631) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ OriTiefling
IndustryStandard (8446838) userkarma.php?u=8446838IndustryStandard (8446838) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ IndustryStandard
Bmbworried (9438762) userkarma.php?u=9438762Bmbworried (9438762) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Bmbworried
JaBar (6259688) userkarma.php?u=6259688JaBar (6259688) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ JaBar
WhiteBlade userkarma.php?u=8228392WhiteBlade VIKC (8228392) hourly zh pm ⚠️✔️ Notifier
Bloby1337 (9545558) userkarma.php?u=9545558Bloby1337 (9545558) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ Bloby1337
0cs (8139544) userkarma.php?u=81395440cs (8139544) 8hourly zh pm ⚠️✔️ 0cs
2533761 userkarma.php?u=2533761RationalGaze (2533761) never en email ⚠️✔️ RationalGaze
JRebeka (9560335) userkarma.php?u=9560335JRebeka (9560335) daily en email ⚠️✔️ JRebeka
vallerback (7878890) userkarma.php?u=7878890vallerback (7878890) hourly zh pm ⚠️✔️ Notifier
DodoDevil (1854139) userkarma.php?u=1854139DodoDevil (1854139) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Notifier
Lxv37-wttoae (8708015) userkarma.php?u=8708015Lxv37-wttoae (8708015) hourly zh pm ⚠️✔️ Lxv37-wttoae
sharkcameo (548950) userkarma.php?u=548950sharkcameo (548950) 8hourly en email ⚠️✔️ sharkcameo
Linw5 (9158857) userkarma.php?u=9158857Linw5 (9158857) hourly zh pm ⚠️✔️ Linw5
wikiwob (7313482) userkarma.php?u=7313482wikiwob (7313482) hourly zh pm ⚠️✔️ Notifier
Ama Strovik userkarma.php?u=8725177Ama Strovik (8725177) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Notifier
PeanutTheComrade (5327786) userkarma.php?u=5327786PeanutTheComrade (5327786) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Notifier
jazzwave (9527660) userkarma.php?u=9527660jazzwave (9527660) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ jazzwave
TheUnfoundedCompass (9554993) userkarma.php?u=9554993TheUnfoundedCompass (9554993) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ TheUnfoundedCompass
BlueGralloy (7869175) userkarma.php?u=7869175NUKENAI SEIKEN CHAN (7869175) hourly zh pm ⚠️✔️ Notifier
SirKirkpatrick (7356186) userkarma.php?u=7356186SirKirkpatrick (7356186) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ SirKirkpatrick
Volkov userkarma.php?u=9553034Elias Volkov (9553034) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Elias Volkov
cwazzycwafter (6179009) userkarma.php?u=6179009cwazzycwafter (6179009) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ cwazzycwafter
Felixou (7118294) userkarma.php?u=7118294Felixou (7118294) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Notifier
Nyropp (8875524) userkarma.php?u=8875524Nyropp (8875524) daily ja email ⚠️✔️ Nyropp
Kayama_Nacho (6623681) userkarma.php?u=6623681Kayama_Nacho (6623681) 8hourly ja email ⚠️✔️ Notifier
Anime63e (9543749) userkarma.php?u=9543749Anime63e (9543749) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Anime63e
theword9870 (9324109) userkarma.php?u=9324109theword9870 (9324109) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ theword9870
BeiYingXiangHou (9420543) userkarma.php?u=9420543BeiYingXiangHou (9420543) hourly zh pm ⚠️✔️ BeiYingXiangHou
The userkarma.php?u=8886193The CFRK (8886193) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ The CFRK
sHiRo_ERROR (8512565) userkarma.php?u=8512565sHiRo_ERROR (8512565) hourly zh pm ⚠️✔️ sHiRo_ERROR
Croquembouche (2893766) userkarma.php?u=2893766Croquembouche (2893766) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Croquembouche
Otex_x (8207019) userkarma.php?u=8207019Otex_x (8207019) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Notifier
Artemis1107 (8882952) userkarma.php?u=8882952Artemis1107 (8882952) hourly zh pm ⚠️✔️ Artemis1107
Liurd (5520704) userkarma.php?u=5520704Liurd (5520704) hourly zh pm ⚠️✔️ Notifier
KJMCD (7813834) userkarma.php?u=7813834KJMCD (7813834) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Notifier
StupifPotato (6565096) userkarma.php?u=6565096StupifPotato (6565096) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ StupifPotato
ResearcherGreen (8977750) userkarma.php?u=8977750ResearcherGreen (8977750) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ ResearcherGreen
NNWHEN (7004754) userkarma.php?u=7004754NNWHEN (7004754) 8hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Notifier
ChitteringRoach (9533216) userkarma.php?u=9533216ChitteringRoach (9533216) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ ChitteringRoach
lemon-cupcake (9535297) userkarma.php?u=9535297lemon-cupcake (9535297) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ lemon-cupcake
AlykaTR (9451051) userkarma.php?u=9451051AlykaTR (9451051) weekly en email ⚠️✔️ Notifier
x1193 (8051787) userkarma.php?u=8051787x1193 (8051787) 8hourly zh email ⚠️✔️ Notifier
wind userkarma.php?u=8145986wind and cloud (8145986) daily zh pm ⚠️✔️ wind and cloud
Auristois userkarma.php?u=9384961Auristois (9384961) weekly en email ⚠️✔️ Auristois
YugoEnjoyer userkarma.php?u=8491394YugoEnjoyer (8491394) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ YugoEnjoyer
CosSin (9293196) userkarma.php?u=9293196CosSin (9293196) daily en email ⚠️✔️ Notifier
KindaCrazy (9524185) userkarma.php?u=9524185KindaCrazy (9524185) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ KindaCrazy
Dr. Domi userkarma.php?u=8618421Dr Domi (8618421) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Dr Domi
Dr M Creatorrr userkarma.php?u=9521563Dr M Creatorrr (9521563) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Dr M Creatorrr
EldritchEnthusiast (9479921) userkarma.php?u=9479921EldritchEnthusiast (9479921) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ EldritchEnthusiast
MateB (9521918) userkarma.php?u=9521918MateB (9521918) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ MateB
BugCatch123’s Configuration With The Notifier ID #9500264 userkarma.php?u=9500264BugCatch123 (9500264) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ BugCatch123
girlbossdotcom (9510196) userkarma.php?u=9510196girlbossdotcom (9510196) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ girlbossdotcom
Unknownplayr7 userkarma.php?u=8528822Unknownplayr7 (8528822) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Unknownplayr7
Iszth (5404858) userkarma.php?u=5404858Iszth (5404858) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Iszth
Axel userkarma.php?u=9385787Axel Dundee (9385787) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ Axel Dundee
Positive123 (7564553) userkarma.php?u=7564553Positive123 (7564553) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Positive123
Null0 (6348600) userkarma.php?u=6348600Null0 (6348600) daily zh pm ⚠️✔️ Null0
RadonSoupBowl (9512363) userkarma.php?u=9512363RadonSoupBowl (9512363) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ RadonSoupBowl
zoempaws (9507357) userkarma.php?u=9507357zoempaws (9507357) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ zoempaws
LucifinaLaurel (8513303) userkarma.php?u=8513303LucifinaLaurel (8513303) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ LucifinaLaurel
SpiderCereal (9181880) userkarma.php?u=9181880SpiderCereal (9181880) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ SpiderCereal
StaraFall (9470546) userkarma.php?u=9470546StaraFall (9470546) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ StaraFall
GDDanger userkarma.php?u=9430895GDDanger (9430895) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ GDDanger
TheLaughingMagician (9511416) userkarma.php?u=9511416TheLaughingMagician (9511416) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ TheLaughingMagician
illpilgrims (9502718) userkarma.php?u=9502718illpilgrims (9502718) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ illpilgrims
moonlitumbrella (9165976) userkarma.php?u=9165976moonlitumbrella (9165976) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ moonlitumbrella
endless_waters (9392556) userkarma.php?u=9392556endless_waters (9392556) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ endless_waters
CD-21 (9390510) userkarma.php?u=9390510CD-21 (9390510) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ CD-21
lwwl14 (9158361) userkarma.php?u=9158361lwwl14 (9158361) daily zh pm ⚠️✔️ lwwl14
TheEmeraldWolf userkarma.php?u=9502393TheEmeraldWolf (9502393) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ TheEmeraldWolf
Ark_Xlea userkarma.php?u=9497923Xlea (9497923) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Xlea
thetacola (3137932) userkarma.php?u=3137932thetacola (3137932) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ thetacola
FlamingLettuce (4937767) userkarma.php?u=4937767FlamingLettuce (4937767) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ FlamingLettuce
Jerden (1637608) userkarma.php?u=1637608Jerden (1637608) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ Jerden
Sixtonpotato (8393389) userkarma.php?u=8393389Sixtonpotato (8393389) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Sixtonpotato
SingWithMe (9487180) userkarma.php?u=9487180SingWithMe (9487180) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ SingWithMe
CombustibleDuck (9403966) userkarma.php?u=9403966CombustibleDuck (9403966) daily en email ⚠️✔️ Notifier
Doctor Hydreigon's Notification Thingy userkarma.php?u=9349473Doctor Hydreigon (9349473) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Doctor Hydreigon
Soroborou (8967786) userkarma.php?u=8967786Soroborou (8967786) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Soroborou
AUTOMATICHROMATIC (9467791) userkarma.php?u=9467791AUTOMATICHROMATIC (9467791) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ AUTOMATICHROMATIC
superishknight (9482250) userkarma.php?u=9482250superishknight (9482250) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ superishknight
NoRaNetaN (8433148) userkarma.php?u=8433148NoRaNetaN (8433148) never zh pm ⚠️✔️ NoRaNetaN
I_am_a_dragon (8816224) userkarma.php?u=8816224I_am_a_dragon (8816224) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ I_am_a_dragon
Jonuarl Reden userkarma.php?u=3740635Jonuarl Reden (3740635) 8hourly zh email ⚠️✔️ Jonuarl Reden
superzacco (9482643) userkarma.php?u=9482643superzacco (9482643) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ superzacco
TheGhostNobody (9169256) userkarma.php?u=9169256TheGhostNobody (9169256) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ TheGhostNobody
Doctor Vivian Elmore userkarma.php?u=8826405Doctor Vivian Elmore (8826405) 8hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Notifier
zedo_gica (9476966) userkarma.php?u=9476966zedo_gica (9476966) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ zedo_gica
dingdangkelihaile (8521249) userkarma.php?u=8521249dingdangkelihaile (8521249) daily zh pm ⚠️✔️ dingdangkelihaile
STrenesPeru (9005094) userkarma.php?u=9005094STrenesPeru (9005094) weekly en email ⚠️✔️ STrenesPeru
luukrative (9463147) userkarma.php?u=9463147luukrative (9463147) daily en email ⚠️✔️ Notifier
DrDrewBoyer (7920754) userkarma.php?u=7920754DrDrewBoyer (7920754) weekly en email ⚠️✔️ DrDrewBoyer
Old One Goaelat userkarma.php?u=9398703Old One Goaelat (9398703) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Old One Goaelat
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