User Configs

There are 952 users subscribed to forum notifications.

Users with config errors

The following is a list of user configs that have some error meaning NotifierNotifier cannot contact them to notify them of new posts — nor can it contact them to let them know about the error.

If you are on this list, see your config page for details about the error and instructions on how to fix it.

If you are not on this list, but a friend is, consider letting them know.

Link User Error Missed
AlykaTR (9451051) AlykaTRAlykaTR not-a-back-contact 11
Ama Strovik Ama StrovikAma Strovik not-a-back-contact 44
The Apostle of Dark GodsApostle of Dark Gods not-a-back-contact 55
CombustibleDuck (9403966) CombustibleDuckCombustibleDuck not-a-back-contact 33
CosSin (9293196) CosSinCosSin not-a-back-contact 22
daveminus (3085960) daveminusdaveminus not-a-back-contact 22
DifferentHarp24 (7785805) DifferentHarp24DifferentHarp24 not-a-back-contact 44
Doctor Vivian Elmore Doctor Vivian ElmoreDoctor Vivian Elmore not-a-back-contact 11
DodoDevil (1854139) DodoDevilDodoDevil restricted-inbox 5959
Dr Vulpes Dr VulpesDr Vulpes not-a-back-contact 11
Felixou (7118294) FelixouFelixou restricted-inbox 2525
GoldLemur GoldLemurGoldLemur not-a-back-contact 33
Heroxiss (6154395) HeroxissHeroxiss not-a-back-contact 11
Jack Jack LupinJack Lupin not-a-back-contact 22
Kayama_Nacho (6623681) Kayama_NachoKayama_Nacho not-a-back-contact 11
KJMCD (7813834) KJMCDKJMCD not-a-back-contact 22
leaves_yulin (8710853) leaves_yulinleaves_yulin not-a-back-contact 44
luukrative (9463147) luukrativeluukrative not-a-back-contact 11
Mohamed7mmm (8642905) Mohamed7mmmMohamed7mmm restricted-inbox 55
NNWHEN (7004754) NNWHENNNWHEN not-a-back-contact 11
BlueGralloy (7869175) NUKENAI SEIKEN CHANNUKENAI SEIKEN CHAN restricted-inbox 3333
Otex_x (8207019) Otex_xOtex_x not-a-back-contact 11
PeanutTheComrade (5327786) PeanutTheComradePeanutTheComrade not-a-back-contact 77
Poppy Poppy WondersPoppy Wonders not-a-back-contact 11
pr0m37h3um (3628082) pr0m37h3umpr0m37h3um restricted-inbox 9090
Qand (9057882) QandQand not-a-back-contact 11
2533761 RationalGazeRationalGaze not-a-back-contact 99
SeraphAlpha (7666338) SeraphAlphaSeraphAlpha not-a-back-contact 33
AHFANOF (8652844) sonorussonorus not-a-back-contact 22
teddiii_ (9104360) teddiii_teddiii_ not-a-back-contact 11
TimelessDevil TimelessDevil TimelessDevil not-a-back-contact 11
vallerback (7878890) vallerbackvallerback restricted-inbox 5959
WhiteBlade WhiteBlade VIKCWhiteBlade VIKC blocked-inbox 6666
wikiwob (7313482) wikiwobwikiwob blocked-inbox 141141
WingedAsarath (7605010) WingedAsarathWingedAsarath not-a-back-contact 22
x1193 (8051787) x1193x1193 not-a-back-contact 99
ZComiX (5657010) ZComiXZComiX not-a-back-contact 33

All subscribed users

The following is a list of all user configs on this wiki, ordered by most recently updated, for administrative purposes.

Meaning of symbols in the 'Status' column:

  • ✔️: The user config looks good, and this user can receive notifications.
  • ❌: The user config URL does not match the user ID, and will be removed during the next cleanup.
  • ⚠️: There are issues with this user config that prevent the user from receiving any notifications, which need addressing. The user config page will have more information about the specific issue and how to fix it
Link User Frequency Language Delivery Status Updated by
melDoesSticknodes (9459390) userkarma.php?u=9459390melDoesSticknodes (9459390) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ melDoesSticknodes
Noka userkarma.php?u=6904465Noka Fox (6904465) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ Noka Fox
Ky0ukage (8143257) userkarma.php?u=8143257Ky0ukage (8143257) hourly zh pm ⚠️✔️ Ky0ukage
AriCantarella (9469408) userkarma.php?u=9469408AriCantarella (9469408) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ AriCantarella
Merehrab (8216454) userkarma.php?u=8216454Merehrab (8216454) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Merehrab
Guaire (5643605) userkarma.php?u=5643605Guaire (5643605) never en pm ⚠️✔️ Guaire
hiddenvalleyranch (2193005) userkarma.php?u=2193005hiddenvalleyranch (2193005) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ hiddenvalleyranch
sprawlingstar (9449437) userkarma.php?u=9449437sprawlingstar (9449437) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ sprawlingstar
Alexis userkarma.php?u=4951855Dr Talcite (4951855) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ Dr Talcite
rrratbait (9456520) userkarma.php?u=9456520rrratbait (9456520) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ rrratbait
BobDeblonde (7893381) userkarma.php?u=7893381BobDeblonde (7893381) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ BobDeblonde
QueenofGaymes (9463661) userkarma.php?u=9463661QueenofGaymes (9463661) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ QueenofGaymes
Fireknight (5930130) userkarma.php?u=5930130Fireknight (5930130) daily en email ⚠️✔️ Fireknight
Dr userkarma.php?u=9458601Dr Vasiliev (9458601) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Dr Vasiliev
Yl1d (8866104) userkarma.php?u=8866104Yl1d (8866104) 8hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Notifier
ccilia (9449376) userkarma.php?u=9449376ccilia (9449376) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ ccilia
mx6436 (9331779) userkarma.php?u=9331779mx6436 (9331779) daily zh pm ⚠️✔️ mx6436
glongorot notifications userkarma.php?u=6996150glongorot (6996150) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ glongorot
KafkaesqueEntity (9453380) userkarma.php?u=9453380KafkaesqueEntity (9453380) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ KafkaesqueEntity
jkdrako (8246996) userkarma.php?u=8246996jkdrako (8246996) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ jkdrako
Ax3lLight (9447236) userkarma.php?u=9447236Ax3lLight (9447236) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Ax3lLight
Amelia_CM (9178589) userkarma.php?u=9178589Amelia_CM (9178589) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Amelia_CM
blackinblack (6344250) userkarma.php?u=6344250blackinblack (6344250) hourly zh pm ⚠️✔️ blackinblack
daveminus (3085960) userkarma.php?u=3085960daveminus (3085960) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Notifier
velvetnell (9424142) userkarma.php?u=9424142velvetnell (9424142) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ velvetnell
ThunderDeeDeeApple (9447228) userkarma.php?u=9447228ThunderDeeDeeApple (9447228) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ ThunderDeeDeeApple
DrLakes (9447844) userkarma.php?u=9447844DrLakes (9447844) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ DrLakes
TomJens (6127263) userkarma.php?u=6127263TomJens (6127263) weekly zh pm ⚠️✔️ Notifier
SNNM (8361354) userkarma.php?u=8361354SNNM (8361354) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ SNNM
edgybenedict (9435781) userkarma.php?u=9435781edgybenedict (9435781) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ edgybenedict
AWriterOn (8510804) userkarma.php?u=8510804AWriterOn (8510804) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ AWriterOn
Celestial userkarma.php?u=8527893Celestial Phoenix (8527893) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Celestial Phoenix
northturtle (9432593) userkarma.php?u=9432593northturtle (9432593) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ northturtle
Gagik_Crafter (7244286) userkarma.php?u=7244286Gagik_Crafter (7244286) daily en email ⚠️✔️ Gagik_Crafter
Captain_Wavzies (8795067) userkarma.php?u=8795067Captain_Wavzies (8795067) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Captain_Wavzies
Morgan userkarma.php?u=9431863Morgan Moon (9431863) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Morgan Moon
V173 userkarma.php?u=9131352V173 (9131352) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ V173
butterbelieveit (8194004) userkarma.php?u=8194004butterbelieveit (8194004) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ butterbelieveit
Foxtrotgd (9408576) userkarma.php?u=9408576Foxtrotgd (9408576) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Foxtrotgd
sungoldened (9428223) userkarma.php?u=9428223sungoldened (9428223) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ sungoldened
Jack userkarma.php?u=8752152Jack Lupin (8752152) daily en email ⚠️✔️ Notifier
rumbahedron (9426793) userkarma.php?u=9426793rumbahedron (9426793) weekly en pm ⚠️✔️ rumbahedron
NothingToAnOcean (9419899) userkarma.php?u=9419899NothingToAnOcean (9419899) never en pm ⚠️✔️ NothingToAnOcean
Elderflower (6088430) userkarma.php?u=6088430Elderflower (6088430) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ Elderflower
The Bookwyrm's Notifs userkarma.php?u=9423028The Bookwyrm (9423028) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ The Bookwyrm
wenyu6868 (8405863) userkarma.php?u=8405863wenyu6868 (8405863) never en pm ⚠️✔️ wenyu6868
T4rmyn (8310982) userkarma.php?u=8310982T4rmyn (8310982) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ T4rmyn
Kitsune0_0 (9415751) userkarma.php?u=9415751Kitsune0_0 (9415751) never en pm ⚠️✔️ Kitsune0_0
Anime_Roar (8294543) userkarma.php?u=8294543Anime_Roar (8294543) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Anime_Roar
GALNING userkarma.php?u=9417466GALNING 27 (9417466) 8hourly en email ⚠️✔️ GALNING 27
agent userkarma.php?u=9042834agent redish red (9042834) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ agent redish red
HyperPoss (8705756) userkarma.php?u=8705756HyperPoss (8705756) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ HyperPoss
Enderstray (9379814) userkarma.php?u=9379814Enderstray (9379814) daily zh pm ⚠️✔️ Enderstray
ashleigh_moth (9402277) userkarma.php?u=9402277ashleigh_moth (9402277) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ ashleigh_moth
Reasonably userkarma.php?u=5240218Reasonably Psychotic (5240218) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Reasonably Psychotic
Highway userkarma.php?u=7719612Highway karma (7719612) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Highway karma
CxaxukluthCxaxukluth (8854619) userkarma.php?u=8854619CxaxukluthCxaxukluth (8854619) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ CxaxukluthCxaxukluth
mjspring (5109026) userkarma.php?u=5109026mjspring (5109026) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ mjspring
FieldsandFurrets (9403066) userkarma.php?u=9403066FieldsandFurrets (9403066) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ FieldsandFurrets
Shariq786 (9382972) userkarma.php?u=9382972Shariq786 (9382972) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Shariq786
XTeclab userkarma.php?u=9393318XTeclab (9393318) hourly zh pm ⚠️✔️ XTeclab
Chill userkarma.php?u=9403211Chill Nye (9403211) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ Chill Nye
Kurverse (9343608) userkarma.php?u=9343608Kurverse (9343608) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ Kurverse
ThatSkizzerGuy (9399306) userkarma.php?u=9399306ThatSkizzerGuy (9399306) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ ThatSkizzerGuy
Eris_0146 (5513886) userkarma.php?u=5513886Eris_0146 (5513886) never ja pm ⚠️✔️ Eris_0146
Banana-lover (8226247) userkarma.php?u=8226247Banana-lover (8226247) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Banana-lover
dr userkarma.php?u=8978398dr jess lee (8978398) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ dr jess lee
TimelessDevil userkarma.php?u=9144672TimelessDevil (9144672) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Notifier
DoctorNar userkarma.php?u=8772678Doctor Nar (8772678) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Doctor Nar
Voxel_Witch (9382068) userkarma.php?u=9382068Voxel_Witch (9382068) weekly en pm ⚠️✔️ Voxel_Witch
Dr userkarma.php?u=9381158Dr Haunted (9381158) daily en email ⚠️✔️ Dr Haunted
namahiki userkarma.php?u=8581388namahiki (8581388) weekly en pm ⚠️✔️ namahiki
Alexvastbehold (9354184) userkarma.php?u=9354184Alexvastbehold (9354184) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Alexvastbehold
SkeletonInAFridge (9034005) userkarma.php?u=9034005SkeletonInAFridge (9034005) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ SkeletonInAFridge
luston (9378810) userkarma.php?u=9378810luston (9378810) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ luston
RxMok (9378687) userkarma.php?u=9378687RxMok (9378687) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ RxMok
smooll (9363902) userkarma.php?u=9363902smooll (9363902) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ smooll
Notif. userkarma.php?u=9348733Farfour Al-Zarik (9348733) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ Farfour Al-Zarik
leaves_yulin (8710853) userkarma.php?u=8710853leaves_yulin (8710853) hourly zh email ⚠️✔️ Notifier
Tydesperato (7785796) userkarma.php?u=7785796Tydesperato (7785796) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Tydesperato
nebula2700 userkarma.php?u=8260379nebula2700 (8260379) 8hourly ja pm ⚠️✔️ nebula2700
BradMage (9362442) userkarma.php?u=9362442BradMage (9362442) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ BradMage
Dr_Nufas (9364804) userkarma.php?u=9364804Agatecastle9227 (9364804) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Agatecastle9227
Chunky20605 (9354113) userkarma.php?u=9354113Chunky20605 (9354113) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ Chunky20605
Hikarinu (7849669) userkarma.php?u=7849669Hikarinu (7849669) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Hikarinu
mecha566 (9289796) userkarma.php?u=9289796mecha566 (9289796) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ mecha566
CarrotCrusader (9344568) userkarma.php?u=9344568CarrotCrusader (9344568) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ CarrotCrusader
qincaiii (8080274) userkarma.php?u=8080274qincaiii (8080274) daily zh pm ⚠️✔️ qincaiii
Dr Kozłow userkarma.php?u=9350793Dr Frey Kozlow (9350793) test en pm ⚠️✔️ Dr Frey Kozlow
Pepsico (8992812) userkarma.php?u=8992812Pepsico (8992812) 8hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Pepsico
seagazer (8525733) userkarma.php?u=8525733seagazer (8525733) 8hourly en email ⚠️✔️ seagazer
philcrowley (8282470) userkarma.php?u=8282470philcrowley (8282470) never en pm ⚠️✔️ philcrowley
savagedevs (8936286) userkarma.php?u=8936286savagedevs (8936286) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ savagedevs
Biochem-anon (9335460) userkarma.php?u=9335460Biochem-anon (9335460) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ Biochem-anon
jimmycabbage (9310721) userkarma.php?u=9310721jimmycabbage (9310721) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ jimmycabbage
QP4 (7694627) userkarma.php?u=7694627QP4 (7694627) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ QP4
CDR_Clueless (9330143) userkarma.php?u=9330143CDR_Clueless (9330143) daily en email ⚠️✔️ CDR_Clueless
jelricle (9198713) userkarma.php?u=9198713jelricle (9198713) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ jelricle
Cherry255 (9328113) userkarma.php?u=9328113Cherry255 (9328113) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ Cherry255
LabyrinthSplash (9167300) userkarma.php?u=9167300LabyrinthSplash (9167300) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ LabyrinthSplash
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