User Configs

There are 952 users subscribed to forum notifications.

Users with config errors

The following is a list of user configs that have some error meaning NotifierNotifier cannot contact them to notify them of new posts — nor can it contact them to let them know about the error.

If you are on this list, see your config page for details about the error and instructions on how to fix it.

If you are not on this list, but a friend is, consider letting them know.

Link User Error Missed
AlykaTR (9451051) AlykaTRAlykaTR not-a-back-contact 11
Ama Strovik Ama StrovikAma Strovik not-a-back-contact 44
The Apostle of Dark GodsApostle of Dark Gods not-a-back-contact 55
CombustibleDuck (9403966) CombustibleDuckCombustibleDuck not-a-back-contact 33
CosSin (9293196) CosSinCosSin not-a-back-contact 22
daveminus (3085960) daveminusdaveminus not-a-back-contact 22
DifferentHarp24 (7785805) DifferentHarp24DifferentHarp24 not-a-back-contact 44
Doctor Vivian Elmore Doctor Vivian ElmoreDoctor Vivian Elmore not-a-back-contact 11
DodoDevil (1854139) DodoDevilDodoDevil restricted-inbox 5959
Dr Vulpes Dr VulpesDr Vulpes not-a-back-contact 11
Felixou (7118294) FelixouFelixou restricted-inbox 2525
GoldLemur GoldLemurGoldLemur not-a-back-contact 33
Heroxiss (6154395) HeroxissHeroxiss not-a-back-contact 11
Jack Jack LupinJack Lupin not-a-back-contact 22
Kayama_Nacho (6623681) Kayama_NachoKayama_Nacho not-a-back-contact 11
KJMCD (7813834) KJMCDKJMCD not-a-back-contact 22
leaves_yulin (8710853) leaves_yulinleaves_yulin not-a-back-contact 44
luukrative (9463147) luukrativeluukrative not-a-back-contact 11
Mohamed7mmm (8642905) Mohamed7mmmMohamed7mmm restricted-inbox 55
NNWHEN (7004754) NNWHENNNWHEN not-a-back-contact 11
BlueGralloy (7869175) NUKENAI SEIKEN CHANNUKENAI SEIKEN CHAN restricted-inbox 3333
Otex_x (8207019) Otex_xOtex_x not-a-back-contact 11
PeanutTheComrade (5327786) PeanutTheComradePeanutTheComrade not-a-back-contact 77
Poppy Poppy WondersPoppy Wonders not-a-back-contact 11
pr0m37h3um (3628082) pr0m37h3umpr0m37h3um restricted-inbox 9090
Qand (9057882) QandQand not-a-back-contact 11
2533761 RationalGazeRationalGaze not-a-back-contact 99
SeraphAlpha (7666338) SeraphAlphaSeraphAlpha not-a-back-contact 33
AHFANOF (8652844) sonorussonorus not-a-back-contact 22
teddiii_ (9104360) teddiii_teddiii_ not-a-back-contact 11
TimelessDevil TimelessDevil TimelessDevil not-a-back-contact 11
vallerback (7878890) vallerbackvallerback restricted-inbox 5959
WhiteBlade WhiteBlade VIKCWhiteBlade VIKC blocked-inbox 6666
wikiwob (7313482) wikiwobwikiwob blocked-inbox 141141
WingedAsarath (7605010) WingedAsarathWingedAsarath not-a-back-contact 22
x1193 (8051787) x1193x1193 not-a-back-contact 99
ZComiX (5657010) ZComiXZComiX not-a-back-contact 33

All subscribed users

The following is a list of all user configs on this wiki, ordered by most recently updated, for administrative purposes.

Meaning of symbols in the 'Status' column:

  • ✔️: The user config looks good, and this user can receive notifications.
  • ❌: The user config URL does not match the user ID, and will be removed during the next cleanup.
  • ⚠️: There are issues with this user config that prevent the user from receiving any notifications, which need addressing. The user config page will have more information about the specific issue and how to fix it
Link User Frequency Language Delivery Status Updated by
Ghost userkarma.php?u=6158888Ghost Lag (6158888) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Ghost Lag
omamore (8168652) userkarma.php?u=8168652omamore (8168652) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ omamore
terere (6631138) userkarma.php?u=6631138Queimaduras (6631138) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Queimaduras
AnonymouseWiki (8159769) userkarma.php?u=8159769AnonymouseWiki (8159769) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ AnonymouseWiki
Dat_Guy_21 (8130784) userkarma.php?u=8130784Dat_Guy_21 (8130784) 8hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Dat_Guy_21
Dominic userkarma.php?u=8149193Dominic Martinez (8149193) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Dominic Martinez
Soldier Bob userkarma.php?u=1557618Soldier Bob (1557618) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Soldier Bob
Chapmann (7333770) userkarma.php?u=7333770Chapmann (7333770) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Chapmann
LiteralStickman (8148943) userkarma.php?u=8148943LiteralStickman (8148943) test en pm ⚠️✔️ LiteralStickman
AFreshGuy (7967837) userkarma.php?u=7967837AFreshGuy (7967837) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ AFreshGuy
Antimatter userkarma.php?u=7641782Antimatter Collider (7641782) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Antimatter Collider
crashb (7555559) userkarma.php?u=7555559crashb (7555559) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ crashb
Graham_Bubblefish userkarma.php?u=8140376Graham_Bubblefish (8140376) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Graham_Bubblefish
lilykins (8136739) userkarma.php?u=8136739lilykins (8136739) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ lilykins
3090 (7936784) userkarma.php?u=79367843090 (7936784) hourly zh pm ⚠️✔️ 3090
Ommi-Leon (8091845) userkarma.php?u=8091845Ommi-Leon (8091845) hourly es pm ⚠️✔️ Ommi-Leon
DaBizzness (8103479) userkarma.php?u=8103479DaBizzness (8103479) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ DaBizzness
ZapperTex (3061990) userkarma.php?u=3061990ZapperTex (3061990) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ ZapperTex
Subervos (7803981) userkarma.php?u=7803981Subervos (7803981) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Subervos
alexpine (5321488) userkarma.php?u=5321488alexpine (5321488) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ alexpine
Destion32 userkarma.php?u=8120329Destion32 (8120329) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Destion32
Fioxis (8124754) userkarma.php?u=8124754Fioxis (8124754) daily en email ⚠️✔️ Fioxis
aBronyPlays (8124895) userkarma.php?u=8124895aBronyPlays (8124895) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ aBronyPlays
tea_bag_inc (8118062) userkarma.php?u=8118062tea_bag_inc (8118062) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ tea_bag_inc
AniaraAnatidea (8109805) userkarma.php?u=8109805AniaraAnatidea (8109805) weekly en pm ⚠️✔️ AniaraAnatidea
Yajupd (8106394) userkarma.php?u=8106394Yajupd (8106394) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Yajupd
thatlemonguy (8098084) userkarma.php?u=8098084thatlemonguy (8098084) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ thatlemonguy
Chausm (8095526) userkarma.php?u=8095526Chausm (8095526) 8hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Chausm
cereal_chick (7529906) userkarma.php?u=7529906cereal_chick (7529906) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ cereal_chick
TheDarkArtist (7502932) userkarma.php?u=7502932TheDarkArtist (7502932) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ TheDarkArtist
MC_Crafter_24_7 (8055101) userkarma.php?u=8055101MC_Crafter_24_7 (8055101) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ MC_Crafter_24_7
Drink152yen (7576204) userkarma.php?u=7576204Drink152yen (7576204) hourly ja pm ⚠️✔️ Drink152yen
bibliolatry (3534136) userkarma.php?u=3534136bibliolatry (3534136) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ bibliolatry
contagioux (8057139) userkarma.php?u=8057139contagioux (8057139) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ contagioux
UncertaintyCrossing (4257427) userkarma.php?u=4257427UncertaintyCrossing (4257427) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ UncertaintyCrossing
LemanRuss1770 (4754680) userkarma.php?u=4754680LemanRuss1770 (4754680) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ LemanRuss1770
Kaleidoscript (7795973) userkarma.php?u=7795973Kaleidoscript (7795973) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Kaleidoscript
Oxychilidae userkarma.php?u=7819701Oxychilidae (7819701) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ Oxychilidae
Pixol (7301329) userkarma.php?u=7301329Pixol (7301329) hourly it pm ⚠️✔️ Pixol
pinkgothic (8066269) userkarma.php?u=8066269pinkgothic (8066269) daily en email ⚠️✔️ pinkgothic
Aut-Baron (8036380) userkarma.php?u=8036380Aut-Baron (8036380) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ Aut-Baron
Ashsouldust (8055193) userkarma.php?u=8055193Ashsouldust (8055193) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Ashsouldust
equationcrunchor (6267884) userkarma.php?u=6267884equationcrunchor (6267884) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ equationcrunchor
sugarush (8054073) userkarma.php?u=8054073sugarush (8054073) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ sugarush
wood6078 (8052147) userkarma.php?u=8052147wood6078 (8052147) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ wood6078
Well's Notifications userkarma.php?u=8055437Finnen Wells (8055437) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Finnen Wells
snoj (3266034) userkarma.php?u=3266034snoj (3266034) never ja pm ⚠️✔️ snoj
Keith userkarma.php?u=7860710Operator #000006 (7860710) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ Operator #000006
DotHog (5839292) userkarma.php?u=5839292DotHog (5839292) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ DotHog
Maximilian userkarma.php?u=8040502Maximilian Mori (8040502) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Maximilian Mori
Bynosaurus (7757285) userkarma.php?u=7757285Bynosaurus (7757285) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Bynosaurus
a soft cacophony forum notifications userkarma.php?u=6726203a soft cacophony (6726203) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ a soft cacophony
Kaltoin (8038537) userkarma.php?u=8038537Kaltoin (8038537) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Kaltoin
Ralphous SCP New Notifications userkarma.php?u=7551642Ralphous (7551642) daily en email ⚠️✔️ Ralphous
oniricshogunsoldier (6105070) userkarma.php?u=6105070oniricshogunsoldier (6105070) daily es pm ⚠️✔️ oniricshogunsoldier
beefj3lly (8030112) userkarma.php?u=8030112beefj3lly (8030112) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ beefj3lly
Rabe userkarma.php?u=3262924Einer von Rabe (3262924) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Einer von Rabe
NilYdna (8016965) userkarma.php?u=8016965NilYdna (8016965) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ NilYdna
ValentElectron (8020238) userkarma.php?u=8020238ValentElectron (8020238) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ ValentElectron
scorchshot (8016804) userkarma.php?u=8016804scorchshot (8016804) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ scorchshot
Teoman userkarma.php?u=5512309Teoman Deniz (5512309) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Teoman Deniz
leiger (32953) userkarma.php?u=32953leiger (32953) monthly en pm ⚠️✔️ leiger
Alexander userkarma.php?u=7678292Alexander the Jar (7678292) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Alexander the Jar
Gundeck userkarma.php?u=7999374Gundeck Janitor (7999374) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Gundeck Janitor
Sand_Whales (7373473) userkarma.php?u=7373473Sand_Whales (7373473) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Sand_Whales
EndTheWiiRemote (7970670) userkarma.php?u=7970670EndTheWiiRemote (7970670) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ EndTheWiiRemote
Evolie userkarma.php?u=7929986Evolie (7929986) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Evolie
meltedbee (7730848) userkarma.php?u=7730848meltedbee (7730848) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ meltedbee
Dr userkarma.php?u=7958903Dr Kira Moto (7958903) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Dr Kira Moto
Endless Notification Box userkarma.php?u=7881618Karlo Josefa Adlawan (7881618) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Karlo Josefa Adlawan
mantaphase (7974562) userkarma.php?u=7974562mantaphase (7974562) never en pm ⚠️✔️ mantaphase
AfterInfinity_Bili (7235013) userkarma.php?u=7235013AfterInfinity_Bili (7235013) daily zh pm ⚠️✔️ AfterInfinity_Bili
Doctor userkarma.php?u=7619937Doctor Skippy (7619937) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Doctor Skippy
JohnTAD (7966299) userkarma.php?u=7966299JohnTAD (7966299) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ JohnTAD
lilspaceking (7969367) userkarma.php?u=7969367lilspaceking (7969367) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ lilspaceking
dawnhusky44 (7978890) userkarma.php?u=7978890dawnhusky44 (7978890) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ dawnhusky44
The Mad Maniac userkarma.php?u=3079011The Mad Maniac (3079011) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ The Mad Maniac
YoSoyFinness (7957457) userkarma.php?u=7957457YoSoyFinness (7957457) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ YoSoyFinness
Irina Bougainvillea userkarma.php?u=6048746Irina Bougainvillea (6048746) 8hourly vi pm ⚠️✔️ Irina Bougainvillea
GremlinGroup (5287352) userkarma.php?u=5287352GremlinGroup (5287352) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ GremlinGroup
Kistern (2978785) userkarma.php?u=2978785Kistern (2978785) hourly zh pm ⚠️✔️ Kistern
Dr Liberman userkarma.php?u=7961842Dr Liberman (7961842) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Dr Liberman
Villalobos (7961187) userkarma.php?u=7961187Villalobos (7961187) hourly en email ⚠️✔️ Villalobos
Zihao userkarma.php?u=3677740Zihao Huang (3677740) 8hourly zh email ⚠️✔️ Notifier
DXL44 (7895060) userkarma.php?u=7895060DXL44 (7895060) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ DXL44
davShelek (7776567) userkarma.php?u=7776567davShelek (7776567) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ davShelek
M87 (6361323) userkarma.php?u=6361323M87 (6361323) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ M87
Sigmund userkarma.php?u=7437087Dr worlds (7437087) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ Dr worlds
SirLucky7 (7543055) userkarma.php?u=7543055SirLucky7 (7543055) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ SirLucky7
TopazEgg (7929520) userkarma.php?u=7929520TopazEgg (7929520) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ TopazEgg
Temporla (7940167) userkarma.php?u=7940167Temporla (7940167) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Temporla
Heloderma userkarma.php?u=6834723Heloderma Horridum (6834723) hourly it pm ⚠️✔️ Heloderma Horridum
DrPierra (7901102) userkarma.php?u=7901102DrPierra (7901102) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ DrPierra
Luke mcDonut userkarma.php?u=3672532Luke mcDonut (3672532) never it pm ⚠️✔️ Luke mcDonut
Axeras (7912590) userkarma.php?u=7912590Axeras (7912590) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Axeras
Dban (7905176) userkarma.php?u=7905176Dban (7905176) 8hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Dban
Dogberry (7900964) userkarma.php?u=7900964Dogberry (7900964) hourly en pm ⚠️✔️ Dogberry
cheegyu_cow (7672344) userkarma.php?u=7672344cheegyu_cow (7672344) never ja pm ⚠️✔️ cheegyu_cow
Ashtum (7863901) userkarma.php?u=7863901Ashtum (7863901) daily en email ⚠️✔️ Ashtum
Jezixo (1621916) userkarma.php?u=1621916Jezixo (1621916) daily en pm ⚠️✔️ Jezixo
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